Présentation - Boucle de la Moselle

One, two or three days along the water
Enjoy the Boucle de la Moselle and its cycle paths according to the time you have available, what the weather is like and how energetic you are feeling on a given day. You can organise and adapt your tour to suit you. To cut down on pedalling, you can always return by train from Toul, Nancy or Liverdun. You can also plan your route around the well-spaced mooring-sites and marinas.
If you want to take your time and complement your stay, why not include one of our supplementary trails to get the most out of the region’s cultural and historical heritage, for instance Art Nouveau in Nancy, the medieval heritage of Toul and Liverdun, or the Côtes de Toul vineyard trail. A range of accommodation options are available: camping, bed & breakfast or hotel. Do not hesitate to contact our tourist offices for help and advice on planning your stay.

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Rendez-vous sur l’espace Carte interactive de ce site pour organiser votre parcours. Les points d’intérêts, les restaurants, les hébergements… vous pouvez choisir de les faire apparraître sur votre itinéraire. Un carnet de voyage vous permet également de mettre de côté les fiches qui vous intéressent. Vous les retrouverez à la fin de votre navigation dans un document à imprimer.